The Killing Of Notti Osama And The Proceeds Of The Case
The manslaughter case brought by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office against 15-year-old Kelvin Martinez, who stabbed Ethan Reyes on 9 July at the 137th Street-City College train station, was closed. The government has dismissed the charges.

On July 9 of last year, Notti Osama, a young rapper who was 14 years old, was fatally stabbed. Following a conflict that started in the Manhattan subway station, the incident happened at 3 o'clock.
At the 137th Street/City College stop, 14-year-old Notti Osama allegedly confronted a 15-year-old competitor rapper. His stabbing was the catalyst for the vicious brawl, and Notti died as a result.
About Ethan Reyes
Ethan Reyes, also known as Notti Osama, was 14 years old when he passed away. He was a rapper from Yonkers.
Notti was the youngest of his five older siblings. "Without You", his most recent song, included one of his older brothers.
Reyes was described as a joyful and affectionate child by his cousin Lily Ortega.
Also, members of the New York drill scene shared their condolences. The family has started a campaign to raise money for Notti's funeral.
Given that the young rapper was still very early in his career, virtually little is known about his upbringing.
The Details Of The Fatal Accident
In Manhattan, Ethan Reyes, also known as Notti Osama, was viciously murdered.
The drill rapper from Yonkers got into a fight in Manhattan's Washington Heights district. Details Of The Fatal Accident
Reyes had only lately relocated from Harlem to Yonkers' Young Avenue with his family.
He and two buddies were out for a stroll in his old Hamilton Heights area when they came upon Martinez on the day of the incident.
Reyes seized a broom handle as the two followed Martinez into the tube station.
At the end of the platform, where they had cornered him Rayes hit him with the stick, then Martinez swung a knife at Reyes, striking him in the abdomen multiple times.
Once Martinez was on the subway rails, one of Reyes' pals swung a sharp weapon at him, injuring him with puncture wounds.
Martinez pulled himself off the tracks and raced off as Reyes passed out on the platform.
Reyes was rushed to the Mount Sinai Morningside Hospital, where he was later declared dead.
Reason For The Fight?
Law enforcement officials claim that although the cause of the altercation was not made public, it was clear that the two teenagers were at odds with one another.
Notti Osama was a drill rapper from New York.
In the genre of drill rapping, competitors are typically mocked.
Investigators think, that this may have been the cause that sparked the tragic altercation.
Proceeds Of The Case
Initially, a second-degree charge was levied against Martines, but in the light of the more detailed review they were dropped.
According to sources Reyes allegedly approached the defendant and threatened him with a broomstick, which caused the prosecution's case to alter.
As Ethan and those who were with him finally outnumbered the accused, the accused stabbed Ethan as he attempted to flee.
prosecutors have merely filed a charge of first-degree manslaughter against Martinez, contrary to what police had previously reported.
The prosecutor raised doubts about the case even before Martinez' arraignment that week and stated that they are looking into the teen's allegations of self-defense.
The fact that he had been beaten by Reyes' accomplices in the weeks prior to the stabbing were also looked into by detectives.
Prosecutors were not certain they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Martinez was acting in self-defense when he wielded his knife against Reyes, according to a spokesman for the office on Thursday.
She claimed that video surveillance and witness interviews were among the considerations that went into the decision. The case was dismissed.
Due to the dismissal, court records pertaining to the case are sealed, and it wasn't obvious who Martinez's attorney was. The Legal Aid Society in Manhattan did not return a phone.
The Irony Of The Incident
It is unfortunate that there are situations where young lives are lost due to senseless violence such as the tragic stabbing of Ethan Reyes.
As a society, we must prioritize ending this cycle of violence and focus on educating our youth to resolve conflicts peacefully